D.O.B.: dʒ/⌀/2009

Pascal is the first Xybrian to serve in SPD. Because of the difference in gravity on his planet, he is a bit stronger on Earth (which has less gravity) Xybrians are typically very religious, but Pascal is one of the very few who no longer hold that faith. It is believed that when an Xybrian dies, they go to Elysuim Fields, where no one is burdens. Their faith tells them that lessening the burdens of others is the only way to the afterlife, so many of them lead a life of voluntary slavery. He is currently the Omega ranger, the former ambassador for his homeworld, Xybria (title was dropped after he accepted discommendation), and serves as a helmsman on the Astro Omega Ship. He is also in love with Tala, whom he was promised to in an arranged marriage, but Tala chose to marry J’Neya, a Trifornia female. When J'Neya was killed by religious purists, Tala accepted discommendation from her homeworld.

Both Pascal, who was promoted to commander and first officer, and Tala are assigned to the USS Montrose on a deep space mission.